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If you have significant smoking history, or had been exposed to long term pollution, cooking biomass, second hand cigarette smoke, you might be at risk from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease such as Bronchitis and Emphysema.


Smoking history or second hand cigarette smoke exposure

Burning biomass such as wood or waste for cooking

Pollution from cars and industries

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Likely you have severe symptoms like these.

Tired walk_edited_edited.jpg

Feeling breathless and tired after walking short distances


Still feel breathless despite optimum drug therapy

If you still feel breathless despite optimum standard medical therapy, ask your doctor if you are a suitable candidate for other treatment options

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Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) is a surgical procedure performed to remove diseased, emphysematous lung tissue. The surgery has been shown to help improve breathing ability, lung capacity and overall quality of life in selected patients.

The National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT)'s results confirm that LVRS is beneficial for patients who have predominant upper lobe disease and low exercise capacity, as compared with medical treatment.While effective for some patients, there are risks involved with lung reduction surgery, including:

Air leakage (occurring when air leaks from the lung tissue, coming from the suture line into the chest cavity)

Pneumonia or infection



Heart attack

Death (due to worsening of one of the above complications)



Miminally Endoscopic Procedure

Unlike lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) — which involves an open incision — bronchoscopic lung volume reduction is a minimally invasive procedure that uses no cutting or stitches. It also has far less complications than LVRS and can be reversed if needed.

Endobronchial valves are tiny devices are implanted in the airways of the lungs and act as one-way valves. They block off diseased parts of the lung and allow healthier regions to expand and function more efficiently.


The decision on whether BLVR or LVRS is more appropriate will be made by the patient’s medical team.

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